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Calculation of confidence intervals of the median in ggplot

I have a dataset consisting of a virtual population with multiple observations per ID. This population is categorized into two groups. I would like to plot the observations vs. time for each group. I could successfully calculate the mean and the confidence interval of the mean using stat_summary. However, in a second plot, I would like to do the same for the median. stat_summary(fun.y=median) does work but I could not find a solution to calculate the proper confidence intervals for the median. Do I have to calculate them separately?

Here's the relevant part of the ggplotcode:

my.labels <- c("1250 mg/m²\nwith dose\nadjustments",
           "1250 mg/m²\nwithout dose\nadjustments")
ggplot(data, aes(x=TIME, y=P2X))+ 
                  aes(fill=factor(GROUP),color=NA), alpha = .55)+
      stat_summary(geom="line", fun.y=mean, aes(linetype=factor(GROUP)))+
      scale_fill_manual("dose",labels=my.labels,values=c("#999999", "lightblue"))+
      scale_linetype_manual("dose",labels=my.labels,values = c("solid","dashed"))+
      scale_color_manual("dose",values=c("black", "black"))+labs(x="Time [cycle]",y="Probability [%]")+
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6))+ theme(legend.title=element_blank())+
      scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) paste0(x*100))

Thank you in advance!


  • I use the following function to easily add non-parametric estimates and confidence intervals for the median with stat_summary:

    quantile_cl <- function(y, q=0.5, conf.level = 0.95, na.rm=TRUE) {
      alpha <- 1 - conf.level
      if (na.rm) y <- y[!]
      n <- length(y)
      l <- qbinom(alpha/2, size=n, prob = q)
      u <- 1 + n - l
      ys <-, y, Inf), partial = c(1 + l, 1 + u))
        y = quantile(y, probs = q, na.rm=na.rm, type = 8),
        ymin = ys[1 + l],
        ymax = ys[1 + u]
    median_cl <- function(y, conf.level=0.95, na.rm=TRUE) quantile_cl(y, q=0.5, conf.level=conf.level, na.rm=na.rm)

    Example use:

    ggplot(iris, aes(x = Species, y = Sepal.Length)) +
      geom_violin(aes(fill = Species), trim = FALSE) +
      stat_summary( = mean_cl_normal, geom="crossbar", aes(color = "normal")) +
      stat_summary( = median_cl, aes(color = "nonparametric"), size = 1) +
      scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "black"), "method") +

    These non-parametric confidence intervals for the median are always almost exact no matter the true distribution, but if you know the distribution you could construct better estimates & intervals. For example, if you knew your data came from a Gaussian mean_cl_normal would give the best estimates for the median (not of your sample but of the underlying distribution)!

    # coverage probability of ci
    mean(replicate(1000, {res <- quantile_cl(rnorm(100), q=0.5, conf.level=0.8); res$ymin<=0 & res$ymax>=0}))
    #> [1] 0.814
    mean(replicate(1000, {res <- mean_cl_normal(rnorm(100), = 0.8); res$ymin<=0 & res$ymax>=0}))
    #> [1] 0.804
    # mean width of ci
    mean(replicate(1000, {res <- quantile_cl(rnorm(100), q=0.5, conf.level=0.8); res$ymax-res$ymin}))
    #> [1] 0.3276851
    mean(replicate(1000, {res <- mean_cl_normal(rnorm(100), = 0.8); res$ymax-res$ymin}))
    #> [1] 0.2574329

    If there is demand, I'll try to get this function into Hmisc (where mean_cl_boot ( etc. are implemented).