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How to fix Erreur : Subscript `AMr1.orig` is a matrix, the data `x.imp[, -possibleFactors][AMr1.orig]` must have size 1

I'm trying to run Amelia to impute some missing data on several variables with the following code:

zz[,c("id", "sex", "team", "minsSocial", "satisTravail", "performance")] <- 
  Amelia::amelia(zz[,c("id", "sex", "team", "minsSocial", "satisTravail", "performance")],
                 m=1, idvars="id", noms=c("sex","team"))$imputations$imp1

Unfortunately, I get this error message :

Erreur : Subscript AMr1.orig is a matrix, the data x.imp[, -possibleFactors][AMr1.orig] must have size 1.

Any thoughts on where is the problem and how I could fix it? Is it because my data contains values <1?

Thank you!


  • I think this might be due to some recent changes to error handling in tibbles. If you cast your data as a data.frame instead (assuming that zz is a tibble), the error should go away (this worked for me).

    zz <-

    Not sure about the reason behind the error message though. I get a similar error message from rlang::last_error(), and the code worked with earlier versions of the packages.

    Subscript `AMr1.orig` is a matrix, the data `x.imp[AMr1.orig]` must have size 1.
     1. Amelia::amelia(...)
     2. Amelia::amelia.default(...)
     3. base::lapply(seq_len(m), do.amelia)
     4. Amelia:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
     5. Amelia:::impfill(...)
     7. tibble:::`[<-.tbl_df`(...)
     8. tibble:::tbl_subassign_matrix(x, j, value, j_arg, substitute(value))