I want to copy a file to multiple destinations using a script that filters through a directory and selects the newest file in the $File_path then change its name and copies it to the $destination, the script i'm using is this:
$File_path = "C:\TEMP\export\liste\Text_Utf8\"
$destination = "C:\TEMP\export\C7E001"
get-childitem -path $File_path -Filter "Ges?*.txt" |
where-object { -not $_.PSIsContainer } |
sort-object -Property $_.CreationTime |
select-object -last 1 | copy-item -Destination (join-path $destination "FRER3000CCFETES01_IN.DEV")
this only copies it to one location, is there a way to improve it to copy the same file to multiple locations? i have seen this thread but it seems different.
the other locations are as follow:
C:\TEMP\export\C7P001 C:\TEMP\export\C7F001 C:\TEMP\export\C7S001 and so on.
thank you.
Although my answer isn't very different to Peter's answer, This uses the LastWriteTime
property to get the latest file and uses the FullName
property of the file to copy in the Copy-Item
$File_path = "C:\TEMP\export\liste\Text_Utf8"
$destinations = "C:\TEMP\export\C7E001", "C:\TEMP\export\C7F001", "C:\TEMP\export\C7S001"
$fileToCopy = Get-ChildItem -Path $File_path -Filter "Ges*.txt" -File |
Sort-Object -Property $_.LastWriteTime |
Select-Object -Last 1
foreach ($dest in $destinations) {
Copy-Item -Path $fileToCopy.FullName -Destination (Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath "FRER3000CCFETES01_IN.DEV")