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Error: non-static data member declared ‘auto’

I am making a class called "StateMachine" to make other classes that inherit that logic.

Trying to make the "State" structure store a pointer to the function to execute in that state, I have found myself needing to use lambda functions. However, I can't seem to declare an auto member inside a struct without it being "scatic const".


#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

struct State
    string id;
    auto action;
    string next;

    State(string _id, auto func, string n = ""):id(_id), action(func), next(n){}

class StateMachine
    void addState(string id, auto func)
      if(activeState == ""){activeState = id;}
      stateList.insert(pair<string, State>(id, State(id, func)));

    void doAction()
      if(stateList[activeState].action != nullptr)

        if(stateList[activeState].next != "")
          activeState = stateList[activeState].next;

    void setState(string state)
      if(stateList.count(state) != 0)
        activeState = state;

    string getState()
      return activeState;

    map<string, State> stateList;
    string activeState = "";

Example of use

class Player : public StateMachine
      addState("ST_SPAWN", [this]{this->OnSpawn();});
    virtual ~Player(){}

    void OnSpawn()

The error

/home/yawin/Dokumentuak/Proyectos/C++/Dough/src/./include/interfaces/statemachine.h:34:10: error: non-static data member declared ‘auto’
     auto action;

What can I do?


  • You could use std::function to simplify this.

    #include <functional>
    struct State {
        string id;
        std::function<void()> action;
        string next;
        State(){id = "";}
        State(string _id, std::function<void()> func, string n = "") :
            id(_id), action(func), next(n) {}
    class StateMachine {
        void addState(string id, std::function<void()> func) {
            if(activeState == "") activeState = id;
            stateList.emplace(id, State{id, func});