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How to groupby and plot aggregated data?

I have a column in my dataframe with dates of users logging in, it's formatted as follows:

0     2020-09-24 23:37:13+02:00
1     2020-09-24 22:08:02+02:00
2     2020-09-24 21:40:01+02:00
3     2020-09-24 21:16:22+02:00
4     2020-09-24 19:22:22+02:00
425   2020-09-07 12:55:56+02:00
426   2020-09-07 05:24:19+02:00
427   2020-09-07 05:23:17+02:00
428   2020-09-01 13:15:03+02:00
429   2020-09-01 13:10:24+02:00
Name: Login, Length: 430, dtype: datetime64[ns, Europe/Amsterdam]

I tried to visualize it properly, but each of my solutions has a problem. My first try has x-ticks of unequal length (1 day is the same length as 6 days).

df['Login'] = df['Login'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%y')
login_time = [login for login, df in df.groupby("Login")]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(login_time, df.groupby(["Login"]).count())
plt.xticks(login_time, rotation = "40", ha='right', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Number of logins", fontsize=20)
plt.xlabel("Date", fontsize=22)

Plot 1

Changing df['Login'] = df['Login'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%y') to df['Login'] = df['Login'] returns a plot which doesn't give value of 0 for login-less days.

Plot 2

I was thinking that maybe a bar chart would be working well with this data, but the problem is that changing plt.plot to gives ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape, althought I was thinking that .count() should return integers, creating a 2D projection.

Unable to get around this problem myself, I'm asking you to help me out and show a python noob how it can be done better. Much appreciated!


    • Always configure a datetime column to a datetime type, in order to plot correctly.
      • Plotting time series data as a str type, will lead the incorrect order, spacing, and other unexpected annoyances.
      • df['Login'] = df['Login'].dt.strftime('%d/%m/%y') converts a datetime type to a str type.
    • A bar plot, with datetime data as the x-axis, has integer indexed tick locations (e.g. 0, 1, ..., n)
    • A line plot, with datetime data as the x-axis, has datetime tick locations.
    • Doing [login for login, df in df.groupby("Login")] and plt.plot(login_time, df.groupby(["Login"]).count()) is not necessary.
      • Use .groupby and aggregate the desired metric, .count, and then plot the groupby object.
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # setup the dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Login': ['2020-09-24 23:37:13+02:00', '2020-09-24 22:08:02+02:00', '2020-09-24 21:40:01+02:00', '2020-09-24 21:16:22+02:00', '2020-09-24 19:22:22+02:00 ', '2020-09-07 12:55:56+02:00', '2020-09-07 05:24:19+02:00', '2020-09-07 05:23:17+02:00', '2020-09-01 13:15:03+02:00', '2020-09-01 13:10:24+02:00']})
    # convert to datetime type
    df.Login = pd.to_datetime(df.Login, utc=True)
    # groupby the date and count
    dfg = df.groupby(
    # plot the data as a barplot
    ax =, 5), ylabel='Login Count', xlabel='Login Time')
    ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')

    enter image description here

    # plot a lineplot
    ax = dfg.plot(marker='o', figsize=(8, 5), ylabel='Login Count', xlabel='Login Time')
    ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')

    enter image description here

    # plot a line plot on the bar plt
    ax =, 5), ylabel='Login Count', xlabel='Login Time')
    ax.plot(range(len(dfg.Login)), dfg.Login, color='k')
    ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left')

    enter image description here