$index = fopen("index.php", "w");
$d='".$domain."'; $u='".$user."';
if(fwrite($index, $indextxt)){
echo"<script> alert('Downloaded!');</script>";
In the above code when the file is imported the variable $d & $u is not appearing(nothing is appearing) in index.php I want $u and $d to appear as it is but php is considering it as a variable and as there is no value assigned to any of the variables nothing is displayed but i want to display $d and $u as simple text and the value of $domain and $user is fetched from database.
$index = fopen("index.php", "w");
$sql='SELECT * from content WHERE email='.$user.'';
$run= mysqli_query($con, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($run) > 0) {
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($run)) {
$d='".$domain."'; $u='".$user."';
if(fwrite($index, $indextxt)){
echo"<script> alert('Downloaded!');</script>";
if i want to write a sql query in php again the error starts at line line $id=$row['user_id']; because of this single quote'
is there any way in php to make php understand that I need $u and $d as simple text and not as a value of php in php file in fwrite function and any way to import sql query in php file without any error?
Thanks in advance.
your problem is about using double-quotation
in double quotations you should use \$ instead of $ because when use it, php think you wanna put an exists variable in your string. try this:
$index = fopen('index.php', 'w');
$indextxt = "
\$sql='SELECT * from content WHERE email='.\$user.'';
\$run= mysqli_query(\$con, \$sql);
if(mysqli_num_rows(\$run) > 0){
while(\$row = mysqli_fetch_array(\$run)){
\$id = \$row['user_id'];
\$name = \$row['c_name'];
\$phone = \$row['c_number'];
\$whatsapp = \$row['w_number'];
\$d = '\" . \$domain . \"';
\$u = '\" . \$user . \"';
if(fwrite($index, $indextxt)){
echo"<script> alert('Downloaded!');</script>";