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`bind`/`flatMap`/`>>=` over Optional in Dhall

I needed to bind/flatMap/>>= over an Optional in Dhall.

I could not find an implementation for it and came up with my own.

let bindOptional
    : ∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → (a → Optional b) → Optional a → Optional b
    = λ(a : Type) →
      λ(b : Type) →
      λ(f : a → Optional b) →
      λ(o : Optional a) →
        Prelude.Optional.fold a o (Optional b) f (None b)

which I then use as follows

bindOptional Outer Inner (λ(x : Outer) → x.inner) outer

Is there really no such function defined in the Prelude? I assume I may have missed it.


  1. is there a more idiomatic way of defining it?

  2. is it somehow possible to leverage type inference and make the call shorter? Something like

    bindOptional _.inner outer -- the compiler infers `Outer` from `outer` and `Inner` from `_.inner`  

I attempted to not give the type parameters but it doesn't seem possible (from my limited knowledge of the language).


  • At the time of this writing there is not such an operation for Optional in the Prelude, although there is no particular reason why it is absent, so you could open a pull request to add it.

    The closest mechanism with language support is to use the fact that the merge keyword works on Optional values, so this would work:

    merge { Some = λ(_ : Inner) → _.inner, None = None SomeType } outer

    … although that still requires specifying the Inner and SomeType types, so it does not leverage type inference.