Need to find date difference and price difference between duplicate columns (by name) for entire Data Frame which is much larger than 7 rows. If the duplicates can all be added to the same row that would be preferable as seen in example below.
Sample Code:
import pandas as pd
data = {'CarMake':['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Nissan', 'Hyundai','Toyota', 'Ford', 'Nissan', 'Hyundai'],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
To see data types:
Expected Output:
CarMake DateSold Price
0 Toyota 2018-01-02 20000.0
1 Ford 2018-01-02 21000.0
2 Nissan 2018-01-03 22000.0
3 Hyundai 2018-01-03 23000.0
4 Toyota 2020-01-02 15000.0
5 Ford 2020-01-02 16000.0
6 Nissan 2020-01-03 17000.0
7 Hyundai 2020-01-03 18000.0
Desired Output: It would be preferable to have the date in [months].
CarMake DateSold DateSold2 Price Price2 PriceDifference DateDifference
0 Toyota 1-2-18 1-2-20 20000 15000 -5000 24
1 Ford 1-2-18 1-2-20 21000 16000 -5000 24
2 Nissan 1-3-18 1-3-20 22000 17000 -5000 24
3 Hyundai 1-3-18 1-3-20 23000 18000 -5000 24
You need to compare every row with every other row that has the same CarMake
value, then add the comparisons to a new table. The most efficient way to do this is to first sort the list by CarMake
and then iterate over all the rows. Once the CarMake
field in the next row doesn't match the CarMake
field in the current row, you know you have found all cars of that make and can change which row you are comparing to. This is much faster than comparing to all rows.
Here is an example that does just this, as well as checking for singletons and entering them in the new table with no comparison data.
# set up example: added a singleton and triple-duplicate example and varied dates more
import pandas as pd
data = {'CarMake':['Toyota', 'Ford', 'Nissan', 'Hyundai','Toyota', 'Ford', 'Nissan', 'Toyota'],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# sort our data
df.sort_values('CarMake', inplace=True)
# make list for building the new table
new_data = []
# loop through all rows once
for one in range(len(df)):
one_row = df.iloc[one]
one_make = one_row['CarMake']
# check for singleton (non-duplicate row)
# if the previous make or next make match, there is a duplicate,
# otherwise it is a singleton
prev_make = df.iloc[one - 1]['CarMake'] if one > 0 else None
next_make = df.iloc[one + 1]['CarMake'] if one < len(df) - 1 else None
if one_make != prev_make and one_make != next_make:
# found a singleton
'CarMake': one_make,
'DateSold': one_row['DateSold'],
'DateSold2': None,
'Price': one_row['Price'],
'Price2': None,
'PriceDifference': None,
'DateDifference': None,
# there is at least one duplicate, find them all
for two in range(one + 1, len(df)):
two_row = df.iloc[two]
two_make = two_row['CarMake']
if one_make == two_make:
# found a duplicate
'CarMake': one_make,
'DateSold': one_row['DateSold'],
'DateSold2': two_row['DateSold'],
'Price': one_row['Price'],
'Price2': two_row['Price'],
'PriceDifference': abs(one_row['Price'] - two_row['Price']),
'DateDifference': abs(
(one_row['DateSold'].year - two_row['DateSold'].year) * 12 +
(one_row['DateSold'].month - two_row['DateSold'].month)
break # no more matches, move `one` forward
new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_data)
CarMake DateSold DateSold2 Price Price2 PriceDifference DateDifference
0 Ford 2018-01-02 2020-01-02 21000.0 16000.0 5000.0 24.0
1 Hyundai 2018-01-03 NaT 23000.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 Nissan 2017-05-03 2020-01-03 22000.0 17000.0 5000.0 32.0
3 Toyota 2018-01-02 2020-01-02 20000.0 15000.0 5000.0 24.0
4 Toyota 2018-01-02 2020-06-03 20000.0 18000.0 2000.0 29.0
5 Toyota 2020-01-02 2020-06-03 15000.0 18000.0 3000.0 5.0