I am using a navigation graph to navigate Fragments on Android. Currently, I can go from one fragment to another and return on a back press.
Now I need to return to the previous Fragment in an OnClickListener imbedded in a FloatingActionButton hosted in an Activity that hosts the Fragment instead of a back press.
Currently, the following code takes me all the way to the beginning fragment:
NavController navController = NavHostFragment.findNavController(FragmentSelect.this);
navController.setGraph(R.navigation.nav_graph, bundle);
I have also tried getActivity().onBackPressed();
which also takes me back to the beginning fragment.
How do you return to the previous Fragment? I am trying to follow this guide, Pass data to the start destination, for returning a Bundle to a start destination, but it leaves out how to return to a start destination.
I also thought about creating another action to return to the start destination, but then the back button will return to the wrong Fragment. Is there a way to stop that?
If all that you want to do is pop the back stack, setGraph()
is unnecessary. Just call popBackStack()
on your NavController