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Is there a way of printing on the browser console when React Fast Refresh finishes refreshing?

I tried to search here/Google/GitHub but I'm not even sure of how to look for this. No matter what words I use they will always show me results of how to implement HMR. But that's not my issue. I just want to print on the browser console when the React Fast Refresh (Hot Module Reload) refreshes so I know that it was updated.


  • Okay. After searching for something different, I managed to find exactly what I wanted.

    Instead of looking for "how to print when hmr refreshes" I searched for "how to clear console when hmr refreshes" and I found this:

    if ( { // you don't need this if you're using CRA
    => {
            if (status === 'prepare') console.clear()

    Worked like a charm.