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Angular: Unable to set the background cover using ng-style directive

I have been adding a background image using ngStyle...

<div class="modal-header" [ngStyle]="{
                    background: 'url(api/myfile' 
                    + filteredProducts[index].imageURL + ')'}">

However, this css is invalidated

.modal-header {
    background-size: cover;

If I use a normal background image directly

.modal-header {
    background-size: cover;
    background-image: url('imageurl');

I have tried to add a background size in angular but this just screams wrong because I had to put background-size in quotes for the compiler to accept it

[ngStyle]="{background: 'url(api/myfile?filename=' 
                    + filteredProducts[index].imageURL + ')', 'background-size': cover}"

I finally tried using this property but all these failed


This too did not work

<div class="modal-header" [ngStyle]="
                    'background-image': 'url(url'
                    + filteredProducts[index].imageURL+')', 
                    'background-size': 'cover',
                    'background-position': 'center'


  • Here is what I noticed when I did

    var imgurl = 'api/myfile' + imageURL; 

    This was the output
    api/myfile imageURL

    there was a space between the variables
    I tried to use this but the white space was required in case the file name has spaces

    var myRemoveSpaceAll = miner.replace(/ /g,'');

    This was what I resorted to

     <div class="modal-header" [ngStyle]="
                 'background-image': 'url('+setstring(filteredProducts[index].imageURL)+')', 
                 'background-size': 'cover',
                 'background-position': 'center'
        var replacedstring = myfilename.replace(/ /g,'%20');
        var finalURL = "api/myfile" + replacedstring ;
        return finalURL ;