Given the following code (using Spring Webflux and RSocket):
public Mono<String> greet(@DestinationVariable String name) {
return Mono.just("Hello " + name); // or assume this is making a slow http call
The questions are:
When the server is under heavy load, will the client just send the request anyway to server and the server will buffer that request? Or is there actually some kind of mechanism that make the client wait until the server send the signal to client?
If the client send the request anyway, then at some point the server will be out of memory to buffer all the excess requests. How do we usually handle it? Can netifi broker helps in this situation? (Assume it's burst traffic and we can't scale-out or scale-up the servers in-time)
RSocket, as a network protocol, has resilience as the first-class citizen. In RSocket, the Resilience property is exposed in 2 ways:
If you do streaming, your subscriber can control the number of elements being delivered, so your subscriber will not be overwhelmed by a server. The animation below shows how reactive-streams spec is implemented on the RSocket protocol level:
As it might be noticed, as in the Reactive Streams, the Subscriber
(lefthand side) request
s data via its Subscription
, this request is transformed into a binary frame, sent via the network, and once the receiver receives that frame, it decodes it and then delivers to the corresponding subscription on the remote site so that the remote Publisher can produce the exact number of messages.
On the other hand, along with streaming, the server, which usually manages multiple connections, has to stand toward the load, and in case of failure, it should be able to prevent any further interactions. For that purpose, RSocket brings a built-in protocol feature, called Leasing
. In a nutshell, Leasing
is a built-in into protocol Rate Limiting, where the request limit is something dynamic and absolutely controlled by the Responder side.
There are a few phrases that might be distinguished in that process:
. That frame contains 2 crucial values: Number of Requests
and Time to Live
. The first value says to a Requester the number of requests it can send to the Responder. The second value says how long such an allowance is valid. So if a Requester has not used all of them by the time, such allowance will be treated as invalid, and any further requests will be rejected on the Requester sied.This interaction is depicted in the following animation:
Lease strategy works on a per connection
basis, which means that if you issue a lease, you issue it for a single particular remote Requester, and not for all requesters connected to your server. On the other hand, math can be applied to share the whole server capacity between all connected Requesters depends on some metrics, etc.
There are a couple of good samples that demonstrate how flow-control and leasing can be used with RSocket. All of them can be found at the official git repo of the RSocket-Java project here