I wrote a scanMetadata function that takes the id passed in the url, does some computation and inserts data into the file metadata table. The api I'm creating is get_metadata, which has to run this function first before it runs Filemetadata.findById which selects the record in fileMetadata table based on the id. I tried writing it like this, but it'll always return "Incomplete response received from application". Both functions when run individually works fine.
exports.getMetadata = async (req, res, next) => {
await scanMetadata(req.params.fileId);
FileMetadata.findById(req.params.fileId, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
if (err.kind === "not_found") {
message: `Not found file with id ${req.params.fileId}.`
} else {
message: `Error retrieving file with id ${req.params.fileId}.`
} else res.send(data);
My api route is this
app.get('/get_metadata/:fileId', files.getMetadata);
Scan metadata function
let scanMetadata = async function scanMetadata (fileId) {
let file = await get_files(fileId);
let serverFilePath = file.serverFilePath;
//TODO:Change hereto read serverFilePath after all record from table is apk
let reader = ApkReader.readFile("C:\\Users\\user\\Source\\Repos\\ApkScanner\\backend\\app\\files\\Instagram_v1550037107_apkpurecom.apk");
let manifest = reader.readManifestSync();
let versionCode = manifest.versionCode;
let versionName = manifest.versionName;
let package = manifest.package;
let minSdk = manifest.usesSdk.minSdkVersion;
let targetSdk = manifest.usesSdk.targetSdkVersion;
let launcherActivityName = manifest.application.launcherActivities[0].name;
let icon = manifest.application.icon;
await insert_metadata(versionCode, versionName, package, fileId, minSdk, targetSdk,launcherActivityName, icon);
await update_files();
Its the problem with serverFilePath. I hardcoded the file path which are local files but not the absolute file path in the server.