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LinqToTwitter: How to return more than 20 followers?

How can I modify this query to return all of a users followers as this only returns 20?

        var friendship = await twitterCtx.Friendship.Where(f => f.Type == FriendshipType.FollowersList)
                                                      .Where(f => f.ScreenName == "JoeBloggs")

        if (friendship != null && friendship.Users != null)
            friendship.Users.ForEach(friend =>
                    "ID: {0} Name: {1}",
                    friend.UserIDResponse, friend.ScreenNameResponse));

(I can see there is a Cursor property which is a long for paging results but I haven't been able to work out how to use it.)


  • From searching around and reading the Twitter API documentation about Rate Limits I have the following which is working fine:

        public async Task<IEnumerable<ulong>> GetAllFollowers(string userID)
            var allFollowerIds = new List<ulong>();
            Friendship followers;
            long cursor = -1;
                    followers =
                    (from follower in twitterCtx.Friendship
                     where follower.Type == FriendshipType.FollowerIDs &&
                     follower.UserID == userID &&
                     follower.Cursor == cursor &&
                     follower.Count == 5000
                     select follower)
                catch (TwitterQueryException tqe)
                if (followers != null &&
                followers.IDInfo != null &&
                followers.IDInfo.IDs != null)
                    cursor = followers.CursorMovement.Next;
            } while (cursor != 0);
            return allFollowerIds;

    This will return a maximum of 75,000 followers for a user authorized application. This is because there's a cap of 15 requests for this particular endpoint. You can make another batch of requests after 15 minutes has passed.

    I haven't tried myself but if you need to pull down more followers then that for a particular user you should be able to do so by simply calling this method again with the last cursor value being fed in as the starting value.