The goal of the code is that. after i add a new item, i need to add a new quantity to the product i want and by using set!, i need that the new quantity really change.
(define-struct articulo (nombre cantidadDisponible))
(define listaArticulos empty)
(define (productoNuevo nom can)
(set! listaArticulos
(cons (make-articulo nom can) listaArticulos)))
(define (agregarValor datoABuscar datoASumar)
(define (agregar lista buscar valorSumar)
[(empty? lista)empty]
[(string=? buscar (articulo-nombre (car listaArticulos)))
(make-articulo (+ (articulo-cantidadDisponible(car lista)) valorSumar)
(agregar (cdr lista)buscar valorSumar))]
[else (make-articulo (car lista) (agregar (cdr lista) buscar valorSumar))]
(set! listaArticulos (agregar listaArticulos datoABuscar datoASumar))
Adding new items to the itemlist
(productoNuevo "tomatoes" 20)
(productoNuevo "oranges" 20)
Then i need to add a new quantity to the product i want
(agregarValor "tomatoes" 10)
Then i want to confirm that the new quantity was added
The output must be
(list (make-articulo "oranges" 20) (make-articulo "tomatoes" 30))
But is instead
(make-articulo 30 (make-articulo 30 '()))
Can you please help me with this?
I'm afraid the procedure's logic isn't right. These are the main issues:
the result to the external list.cons
condition is incorrect, you're taking the car
of the wrong list.make-articulo
, you forgot to pass the the name of the item.This should fix the problems:
(define (agregarValor datoABuscar datoASumar)
((define (agregar lista buscar valorSumar)
[(empty? lista) empty]
[(string=? buscar (articulo-nombre (car lista)))
(make-articulo (articulo-nombre (car lista))
(+ (articulo-cantidadDisponible (car lista)) valorSumar))
(agregar (cdr lista) buscar valorSumar))]
[else (cons (car lista) (agregar (cdr lista) buscar valorSumar))])))
(set! listaArticulos (agregar listaArticulos datoABuscar datoASumar)))))
Now it works as expected:
(define (print lst)
(for-each (λ (articulo)
(printf "~s: ~s ~n"
(articulo-nombre articulo)
(articulo-cantidadDisponible articulo)))
(productoNuevo "tomatoes" 20)
(productoNuevo "oranges" 20)
(print listaArticulos)
=> "oranges": 20
"tomatoes": 20
(agregarValor "tomatoes" 10)
(print listaArticulos)
=> "oranges": 20
"tomatoes": 30