I have installed bitnami mongodb cluster with helm install my-release bitnami/mongodb -f values-production.yaml .
, architecture: replicaset , and replicaCount: 2
in aws server,
helm version version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.2.4",CHART mongodb-8.2.1, APP VERSION 4.2.8, kubectl version GitVersion:"v1.16.8"
Its installed successfully one statefulset along with three pods and one svc , I have put port forward, to get access mongodb from roto3T client as a localhost with using user name and password , But its getting Error , it is Authorization failed on admin database as root
I have tryed with portforword to svc , pod, and statefulset all are getting same error .
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/my-release-mongodb-headless 27017:27017
Is it I done any wrong or anything extra i need to mension in values-production.yaml file ?
It will install and working fine with below cammand
helm install mongo-cluster-name . -f values-production.yaml --set architecture=replicaset --set replicaCount=2
this will start statefulset and svc and pod along with disk, if we do the portforward to svc name mongo-cluster-name-headless, we can access as a localhost
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/mmongo-cluster-name-headless 27017:27017