I have 3 Lists in erlang as
EmpIDList = [10020, 10010, 10040, 10030],
EmpLocation = [Sweden, Germany, USA, Italy],
EmpSalary = [100k, 125k, 165k, 200k]
If user provides the input as [10040, 10020] then the expected output is 3 Lists:
[10040, 10020], [USA, Sweden], [165k, 100k].
How to achieve this? Any input will be helpful.
First combine the data from the three lists using lists:zip3
, so that data for each employee is kept together:
> EmpList = lists:zip3(EmpIDList, EmpLocation, EmpSalary).
Then use lists:keyfind
to get the employees you are interested in - note the list of employee ids near the end:
> FilteredTuples = [lists:keyfind(Id, 1, EmpList) || Id <- [10040, 10020]].
And finally "unzip" the tuples to get the result format you need:
> lists:unzip3(FilteredTuples).