I am using SQL Server 2017. I have code that is working well for what I am applying it to. However, I would like to send the parameter value with some text/string. I have tried many formats to combine or concatenate the two. I have tried this
@body = @AssociateTaskID + 'you have been assigned this id';
also tried this @body = @AssociateTaskID + + 'you have been assigned this id';
I get syntax errors on both. Is there any way to do this and make it work? If so, what's the syntax?
declare @AssociateTaskID int;
declare @TaskAction_A1_assigned varchar(50);
declare @TaskAction_A1_started varchar(100);
declare @TaskAsction_A1_completed varchar(100);
select @AssociateTaskID = s.AssociateTaskID from inserted s;
select @TaskAction_A1_assigned = s.TaskAction_A1_assigned from inserted s;
select @TaskAction_A1_started = s.TaskAction_A1_started from inserted s;
select @TaskAsction_A1_completed = s.TaskAsction_A1_completed from inserted s;
------Send notification to TaskAction_A1_owner
if update(TaskAction_A1_assigned)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'Echo System',
@recipients = 'sampleemailer2@gmail.com',
@subject = 'Echo System Notification',
@body = @AssociateTaskID;
The concatenation could be assigned to a variable. Something like this
@AssociateTaskID int,
@TaskAction_A1_assigned varchar(50),
@TaskAction_A1_started varchar(100),
@TaskAsction_A1_completed varchar(100),
@Message nvarchar(4000);
select @AssociateTaskID = s.AssociateTaskID,
@TaskAction_A1_assigned = s.TaskAction_A1_assigned,
@TaskAction_A1_started = s.TaskAction_A1_started,
@TaskAsction_A1_completed = s.TaskAsction_A1_completed
from inserted s;
select @Message=concat(cast(@AssociateTaskID as nvarchar(12)), N'you have been assigned this id');
--if update(TaskAction_A1_assigned)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'Echo System',
@recipients = 'sampleemailer2@gmail.com',
@subject = 'Echo System Notification',
@body = @Message;