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Erlang: read non English letters and print them

I'm writing a code that read a csv file in erlang.

I get a string from the csv, for example:

Alexander Bubeck|Florian Weißhardt|Matthias Gruhler|Ulrich Reiser

And than I use this commands in order to turn it to list and print it to the terminal:

Authors = string:tokens(element(2,Row),[$|]),
io:format("The authors in row ~p are: ~p~n", [Num,Authors])

The problem is in this name: Florian Weißhardt

Because it has a non English letter the output is [70,108,111,114,105,97,110,32,87,101,105,195,159, 104,97,114,100,116]

How can I resolve this?



  • Try convert list to binary in utf8 unicode format:

    1> 1> Authors = [70,108,111,114,105,97,110,32,87,101,105,195,159, 104,97,114,100,116].
    [70,108,111,114,105,97,110,32,87,101,105,195,159,104,97,114, 100,116]
    2> io:format("The authors: ~ts~n", [list_to_binary(Authors)]).
    The authors: Florian Weißhardt
    3> list_to_binary(Authors).
    <<"Florian Weißhardt"/utf8>>