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Uploading a PDF file to a CKAN Dataset as a resource fails with "{file} is not json serializable"

My simple python script to create a dataset and to that dataset add a single PDF file as a resource is failing with "{file} is not json serializable".

# coding=utf-8
# import base64
import ckanapi
import requests
import csv
import json
import pprint
import socket
import netifaces as ni

api_token = '***'
the_hostname = socket.gethostname()
the_ipaddress = ni.ifaddresses('eth0')[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']
site_url = 'http://' + the_ipaddress + ':5000'

endpoint_p = '{}/api/3/action/package_create'.format(site_url)
endpoint_r = '{}/api/3/action/resource_create'.format(site_url)
headers = {'Authorization': api_token}

payload_p = {
    "name": "test01",
    "private": "true",
    "state": "active",
    "owner_org": "b15a6f45-e2ed-4587-8c5e-a92dbc9f157d",
    "maintainer" : "Forms Management",
    "maintainer_email" : "[email protected]",
    "author" : "Test Author",
    "author_email" : "[email protected]"

payload_r = {
    "package_id": "null",
    "name": "English - test01 - Test Description",
    "url": "upload",
    "upload": open('/var/www/upload/2nd/unzipped/002-33-5098E/33-5098E.pdf', 'r'),
    "description": "This is a test resource attached to dataset test01",
    "notes": "This is a longer block of text that is for the resource test01e which is attached to the dataset test01"
filepaths = {
    "thepath": "/var/www/upload/2nd/unzipped/002-33-5098E/33-5098E.pdf"
req_p =, json=payload_p, headers=headers)

theLastResponse = req_p.json()

theLastPackageCreated = theLastResponse['result']['id']

payload_r["package_id"] = theLastPackageCreated

req_r =, json = payload_r, headers = headers) # resource_create()

This throws an error "{file} is not json serializable". The file is a PDF, which is a binary file, but I'm not sure if some type of encoding is required (note the commented out "base64" module... I didn't want to go down that road without asking if that's the right approach.)

The CKAN API documentation here:

says that the "upload" should be a "(FieldStorage (optional) needs multipart/form-data) – (optional)" but all the example scripts I've seen to upload files to CKAN show the code only and exactly what I've done here, no extra pre-processing of the file being uploaded or what not, so I'm not sure exactly what might be the issue... please help if you can!


  • I copied your code and ran a modified version against a local dev copy of CKAN and had it work without issue AFTER my mods which are included below.

    Most notably:

    • payload_r -> All that extra stuff isn't needed but you can include other resource metadata such as description, name, etc if desired just
    • req_r -> 1) pass the payload here as data instead of json as it's multipart-form-data. 2) send the file here with the files param.


    IMO this is less of a CKAN issue and more of an understanding of the library chosen (i.e. requests). there are many ways to do this with different tools.

    I also had to update the payloads to align with my schema but assuming that's correct for yours this should work.

    # coding=utf-8
    # import base64
    import ckanapi
    import requests
    import csv
    import json
    import pprint
    import socket
    import netifaces as ni
    api_token = '***'
    the_hostname = socket.gethostname()
    the_ipaddress = ni.ifaddresses('eth0')[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']
    site_url = 'http://' + the_ipaddress + ':5000'
    endpoint_p = '{}/api/3/action/package_create'.format(site_url)
    endpoint_r = '{}/api/3/action/resource_create'.format(site_url)
    headers = {'Authorization': api_token}
    payload_p = {
        "name": "test01",
        "private": "true",
        "state": "active",
        "owner_org": "b15a6f45-e2ed-4587-8c5e-a92dbc9f157d",
        "maintainer" : "Forms Management",
        "maintainer_email" : "[email protected]",
        "author" : "Test Author",
        "author_email" : "[email protected]"
    payload_r = {
        "package_id": "null"
    filepaths = {
        "thepath": "/var/www/upload/2nd/unzipped/002-33-5098E/33-5098E.pdf"
    req_p =, json=payload_p, headers=headers)
    theLastResponse = req_p.json()
    theLastPackageCreated = theLastResponse['result']['id']
    payload_r["package_id"] = theLastPackageCreated
    req_r =, data=payload_r, headers=headers, files=[('upload', file('/var/www/upload/2nd/unzipped/002-33-5098E/33-5098E.pdf'))]) # resource_create()