I'm not a database expert at all. I need your help.
Some context first:
I need to post a Work Order to a REST server. When I get the WO, I know the customer name, the site name where the job must be executed, and the full site address. Site name I receive could be like:
If I'm posting the WO to the server, the request is sometimes rejected because the site name is not 100% exactly the same as stored on the server.
To propose a better user experience, I created a local SQLite table that I can synchronize with the REST server. Before posting the WO, I'd like to give the opportunity to the user to correct the site name if a direct match is not found by proposing a dropdown list of the best possible matches.
At this point, my code is: (This may not be the best way to do it)
Query := TFDQuery.Create(nil);
Query.Connection := DBConnection;
SQL:= 'Select Sitename from SitesTable where (CUSTOMERNAME = :CustomerName) AND (Sitename LIKE :SiteName)';
Query.SQL.Text := SQL;
Query.ParamByName('CustomerName').AsString := aCustomerName;
Query.ParamByName('SiteName').AsString := aSiteNam;
while not Query.Eof do
This is giving me:
First, I would like to improve that query to get all possible sites containing 'George 1' including George 15. That's why I am using LIKE instead of = but it gives me only one result.
I also tried to get all possible 'George' records by removing the number but I always get zero result
Finally, if no match is found, I'd like to query the address field to propose all sites that are located in that street.
I tried to use Query.RecordCount to know if I have to search for more but it is always giving me 0
What is the best Delphi code to achieve this?
Thank you in advance for your help
You have to use a request like this:
Select Sitename
from SitesTable
where (Sitename = "George 1")
or (Sitename like "%George%");
When using Like
, the %
is much like the *
when searching for files in the OS.
Of course you may add as many variations with the "Or".
Translated to a Delphi snippet, it gives:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FDConnection1.DriverName := 'SQLITE';
FDConnection1.Params.Values['Database'] := 'E:\Temp\StackOverflow64067394.sqlite3';
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'Select Sitename ' +
'from SitesTable ' +
'where (Sitename = :Param1) ' +
'or (Sitename like :Param2)';
FDQuery1.ParamByName('Param1').AsString := 'George 1';
FDQuery1.ParamByName('Param2').AsString := '%George%';
while not FDQuery1.Eof do begin