I have a table with scientific and common (vernacular) names for plants.
gensp vernacular
Allamanda blanchetii
Allamanda blanchetii Alamanda morada
Allamanda blanchetii Purple allamanda
Allamanda puberula
Aspidosperma cuspa
Aspidosperma cuspa Guatambuzinho
I need this to become:
gensp vernacular
Allamanda blanchetii Alamanda morada, Purple allamanda
Allamanda puberula
Aspidosperma cuspa Guatambuzinho
I have tried the following SQL (on Postgres).
select gensp,string_agg(vernacular,', ') as vernacular from (
select distinct gen||' '||sp as gensp,spm.vernacular from sp
join col on idsp = sp.id
join spm on idcol = col.id
where fam = 'Apocynaceae' and gen||' '||sp != ''
order by gensp,vernacular
) sub
group by gensp
But it returns:
gensp vernacular
Allamanda blanchetii , Alamanda morada, Purple allamanda
Allamanda puberula
Aspidosperma cuspa , Guatambuzinho
Notice how the empty vernacular names appear on the aggregate string. So I need to remove these lines, but only if some other line have a name (or else Allamanda puberula would be removed from the query).
How can I do that?
Use filter
and coalesce
to deal with empty or null
select sp,
string_agg(vernacular, ', ')
filter (where coalesce(vernacular, '') != ''),
from plants
group by sp;
The simpler answer devised by OP, @Rodrigo:
select sp,
coalesce(string_agg(nullif(vernacular,''),', '))
from plants
group by sp;