Having this issue with visual studio for Mac - Can't load my configured environment variables.
If i run the app from a Terminal it works, but it doesn't if i run it from Visual Studio for Mac.
I added my variables to:
I am using Visual Studio v8.7.8
(Yes, i tried restarting visual studio, even restarting the computer).
Any help is useful.
I created the same post in Microsoft's dev community. Hopefully they fix this on the future. Stick to running VS from a Terminal for now.
So, unfortunately Visual Studio for Mac does not support using environment variables defined via bash or zsh (yet?...).
There is a hacky workaround by launching VS from a Terminal
/Applications/Visual\ Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/VisualStudio &
Launching it this way will allow VS to access user configured variables.
To make it easier to remember, an alias can be created by:
alias vs='/Applications/Visual\ Studio.app/Contents/MacOS/VisualStudio &'
Just remember to add this line to .bash_profile
and .bashrc
Here is a Medium article on how to edit these files.
Here is a Blog post describing the VS issue.