I know this isn't exactly the first question about list comprehensions, but I've been looking around and experimenting for a while and can't figure this one out. I'll apologize in advance, I'm a self-taught novice learning from failures.
This is working code, but it screams list comprehension. I understand list comprehensions and use them, but the combination of stacking for and working with the dictionaries within the lists is breaking my brain. How would you simplify this:
results = []
for system in systems: # list of dicts
for result in telnet_results: # list of dicts
if system['master_ip'] == result['master_ip']:
combined = {**system, **result} # merge dicts, right takes precedence
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
results = [{**system, **result} for system in systems for result in telnet_results if
system['master_ip'] == result['master_ip']]
Can be also splitted more logically:
results = [{**system, **result}
for system in systems
for result in telnet_results
if system['master_ip'] == result['master_ip']]
Is this "simplified"? I'm not sure. List comprehensions are not magic, and they do not always simplify the code or make it more readable.