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Custom permissions for Simple-JWT in Django Rest Framework

For my current system, I am using Simple-JWT as my user authentication. And also using Django REST Framework API Key. I am satisfied with Simple-JWT for its simplicity. However, I would like to add a permission where it requires my Api-Key to be able to view the token page.

As for now, if I want to get a JWT Token,

I can simply go to /project/api/token/ (To get access and refresh token)


/project/api/refresh/ (To refresh the access token)

In my file, I have set the DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES and DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES. From my understanding, if I put 'HasAPIKey' as the default permission classes, all pages will require the Api-Key.


However both /token/ and /refresh/ can still be accessed without an Api-Key. Hence, my goal is to make sure those URLs require my Api-Key.

(Note: I am fully satisfied with how 'simple-jwt' provides the token. It was easy to be implemented. I simply want to add the 'HasAPIKey' permission)


  • Create a new view and inherit the views from rest_framework_simplejwt. Create functions for both TokenObtainPairView and TokenRefreshView. Insert those two views into the parameter for the custom view. Only then insert the permission class. As of now I want my custom views to only be accessed with the valid API Key.

    from rest_framework_simplejwt.views import(
    class NewTokenObtainPairView(TokenObtainPairView):
         permission_classes = (HasAPIKey,)
    class NewTokenRefreshView(TokenRefreshView):
         permission_classes = (HasAPIKey,)