I am trying to use python script in the Android studio using chaquopy. But I have 2 problems.
python random
.Here is the Python Script.
import random
def getPlayers(wk, batsman, bowler, allRounder):
chosen = batsman[:3] + bowler[:3] + allRounder[:1] + wk[:1]
remainder = batsman[3:] + bowler[3:] + allRounder[1:] + wk[1:]
players = {'Batsman': [x for x in chosen if x in batsman],
'Bowler': [x for x in chosen if x in bowler],
'AllRounder': [x for x in chosen if x in allRounder],
'Wk': [x for x in chosen if x in wk]}
for key in players:
for name in players[key]:
return f'{key}: {name}'
It is showing no module named random found.
And The activity file
private String getTeam() {
Python python = Python.getInstance();
PyObject file = python.getModule("getTeam");
return file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk, batsman, bowler, ar);
I am calling getTeam
method in onCreate
. So, How can I get the list of keys and values from python
I have used this code to access the data but It is showing com.chaquo.python.PyException: TypeError: jarray does not support slice syntax
Here is the Code
String[] team = getTeam();
for (String s : team) {
Log.d("Player", s);
private String[] getTeam() {
Python python = Python.getInstance();
PyObject file = python.getModule("getTeam");
return file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk.toArray(), batsman.toArray(), bowler.toArray(), ar.toArray()).toJava(String[].class);
It is showing no module named random found.
I assume you're talking about an error shown in the Android Studio editor, rather than one which happened at runtime. As the documentation says, errors in the editor are harmless: just go ahead and run your app, and if there really is an error, the details will be displayed in the Logcat.
How can I get the list of keys and values from python script?
You can write the Python code like this:
return [f'{key}: {name}' for key in players for name in players[key]]
And the Java code like this:
file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk, batsman, bowler, ar).toJava(String[].class)
That will give you a Java String[]
array, which you can then process however you want.
EDIT for jarray does not support slice syntax
This issue is fixed in Chaquopy 9.0.0. With older versions, you can work around it by converting the array to a Python list
To convert in Python:
def getPlayers(wk, batsman, bowler, allRounder):
wk = list(wk)
batsman = list(batsman)
# etc.
Or to convert in Java:
PyObject list = python.getBuiltins().get("list");
return file.callAttr("getPlayers",
// etc.