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How to run python script in Android studio using chaquopy?

I am trying to use python script in the Android studio using chaquopy. But I have 2 problems.

  1. I am not able to import python random.
  2. How to retrieve a list.

Here is the Python Script.

import random
def getPlayers(wk, batsman, bowler, allRounder):
    chosen = batsman[:3] + bowler[:3] + allRounder[:1] + wk[:1]
    remainder = batsman[3:] + bowler[3:] + allRounder[1:] + wk[1:]

    players = {'Batsman': [x for x in chosen if x in batsman],
               'Bowler': [x for x in chosen if x in bowler],
               'AllRounder': [x for x in chosen if x in allRounder],
               'Wk': [x for x in chosen if x in wk]}

    for key in players:
        for name in players[key]:
            return f'{key}: {name}'

It is showing no module named random found.

And The activity file

 private String getTeam() {
    Python python = Python.getInstance();
    PyObject file = python.getModule("getTeam");
    return file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk, batsman, bowler, ar);

I am calling getTeam method in onCreate. So, How can I get the list of keys and values from python script?


I have used this code to access the data but It is showing com.chaquo.python.PyException: TypeError: jarray does not support slice syntax.

Here is the Code

  String[] team = getTeam();
    for (String s : team) {
        Log.d("Player", s);


private String[] getTeam() {
    Python python = Python.getInstance();
    PyObject file = python.getModule("getTeam");
    return file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk.toArray(), batsman.toArray(), bowler.toArray(), ar.toArray()).toJava(String[].class);


  • It is showing no module named random found.

    I assume you're talking about an error shown in the Android Studio editor, rather than one which happened at runtime. As the documentation says, errors in the editor are harmless: just go ahead and run your app, and if there really is an error, the details will be displayed in the Logcat.

    How can I get the list of keys and values from python script?

    You can write the Python code like this:

    return [f'{key}: {name}' for key in players for name in players[key]]

    And the Java code like this:

    file.callAttr("getPlayers", wk, batsman, bowler, ar).toJava(String[].class)

    That will give you a Java String[] array, which you can then process however you want.

    EDIT for jarray does not support slice syntax:

    This issue is fixed in Chaquopy 9.0.0. With older versions, you can work around it by converting the array to a Python list.

    To convert in Python:

    def getPlayers(wk, batsman, bowler, allRounder):
        wk = list(wk)
        batsman = list(batsman)
        # etc.

    Or to convert in Java:

    PyObject list = python.getBuiltins().get("list");
    return file.callAttr("getPlayers", 
                         // etc.