I am asked to build a client dimension and a bed dimension .
and bring them together in the sense of clientID-SK,bedID_SK,Bed_begin_date,bed_end-date.Both tables contains SCD1, and SC2 fields.How do I implement this if the dates the clients was and out off bed and out has nothing to do with what defines as a client or bed(types).
I have been able to combine them but my challenge is that when I load them into a fact table the table only has the begin_date .How will I update the fact table end_date which is suppose to = the begin_date of the next bed assignment.
e.g clientID,bedID,Start_Date,End_Date 10 ,ROO1, ,01-19-2020, 3000-01-01 00:00:00.000
Dimension 10 ,ROO1, ,01-19-2020, 10-19-2020 10 ,ROO2, ,10-19-2020, 3000-01-01 00:00:00.000
We have a table called current bed that keeps track of our current client and I was able to build a slowly changing dimension off that table.
But we are concerned to follow standard practice we have to have a star schema in place .
Any suggestion
So you have, at least, the following tables:
When a bed is first occupied by a client you create a new fact record and populate the Client, Bed and Date Occupied FKs. You populate the Bed Vacated with 0 (or whatever key value you have used in the Date Dim to indicate the 'unknown' record).
When a bed is next occupied, you create a new fact record for the new client and update the Bed Vacated FK on the previous record with the relevant Date key.
A few things to think about:
Hope this helps?
Update 1 following response
If you need to include Time then you need a time dimension and 2 additional keys in the fact for occupied and vacated time.
I'm not sure I understand your question about how you update the fact table. You have the information required to identify the fact record (bed id and vacated date key = 0) and the value needed to update the fact record. What am I missing?
I think you need to take a step back and think clearly about what it is you are trying to achieve - then the answers to your questions should become more obvious.
The first question you need to ask is what are you trying to measure: once you have clearly defined that then the grain of the fact table is established and it becomes clearer what changes in attributes you need to handle. For example:
So to try and answer your questions...
If there is a change in dimension attributes and it affects your fact table then you'll need to handle this e.g. by inserting or updating a fact record:
Records in your fact table should never overlap each other - so at any point in time there is only one active fact record per bed and per patient. Each time you insert a new fact record you would expire the previous applicable fact record.
So when you ask "The update to the end_date when the client moves to a new bed will be on all 3 added surrogate key rows?", the answer is no - you would have set the end date on the first 2 records when you created the next record each time i.e. set the end date of record 1 when you create record 2, set the end date of record 2 when you create record 3, etc.; so you will only be updating the last record when the client moves.
Adding a PK to a fact table is only required when there is a requirement to update the fact table - as is the case here. Whether you do so is a choice - but I would look at how complicated the compound key is i.e. how many SKs do you need to use to identify the correct fact record to be updated. In you case you only need the Bed SK and the end_date = null (or 31/12/3000 or however you have chosen to set it) so there is probably no benefit in defining a single PK field on the fact table. If you needed more than about 5 SKs to identify a fact record then there is probably a case for using a single PK field.
Mini-dimensions: just seem to be more, unnecessary complication but I can't really comment unless you can clearly articulate what the issue is that you think mini-dimensions will solve and why you think mini-dimensions are a solution to the issue
You seem to be confused about the effective dates on an SDC2 dimension and foreign keys on a Fact table referencing the Date dimension - as they are very different things.
Date FKs on a Fact are attributes that you have chosen to record for that fact. In your example, for each bed occupancy fact (i.e. a single record in your fact table) you might have "Date Occupied" and "Date Vacated" attributes/FKs that reference the Date Dimension. When a fact record is created you would populate the "Date Occupied" field with the appropriate date and the "Date Vacated" with "0" (or whatever value points to the "Unknown" record in your Date Dimension). When the bed becomes unoccupied you update the fact record and set the "Date Vacated" field to the appropriate date.
Because you need to record 2 different dates against the fact, you need to have two FKs referencing the Date dimension; you couldn't record the Date Occupied and the Date Vacated using a single reference to the Date Dimension.
The same type of thinking applies when you want to have an FK on a fact table that references an SCD2 dimension; you need to decide what the point-in-time context of that reference is and then link to the correct version of the record in the SCD2 dimension. So if you want to record the state of the patient at the point they occupy the bed then you pick their record in the dimension where Fact.DateOccupied between Dim.EffStartDate and Dim.EffEndDate. If you want to also record the date of the patient at a different (but specific) time, such as when the bed was vacated, then you would need to add a separate FK to the fact table to hold this additional reference to the Patient Dim.
Having populated your fact table, if you want to know the state of the patient at a specific point in time you don't need to do anything to the fact table; instead you need to join the Patient Dim to itself. e.g.
Pseudo-code SQL for this would look something like (assuming you wanted to know the state of the patient on '2020-11-17'):
AND P2.EFFSTART_DATE <= '2020-11-17'
AND P2.EFF_END_DATE >= '2020-11-17'
Hope this helps?