I'm compiling ADW source code. (https://github.com/AnderWeb/android_packages_apps_Launcher/archives/b28e9e417c81857cfd2e0265c3c6d409d6c8d0f1)
I wanna add widget more quickly,
so I add a menu item:
menu.add(MENU_GROUP_NORMAL, MENU_ADD_WIDGET, 0, R.string.menu_widget)
and the relevant action when clicked:
return true;
the showAppWidgetList() does the same thing as when you click Menu->Add->Widget .
Then I click "my widget item" and the PickWidget dialog shows up,
after clicking a widget,
nothing happens!!!
No widget config or position setting dialog appears.
On the other hand,
if I click Menu->Add->Widget and add a widget,
then Menu->"my widget item" and pick a widget,
then everything works just fine.
How strange!!!
Anybody know what's wrong with it??
It's because Menu->Add->Widget
does something before your showAppWidgetList()
, you need to do the same thing before showAppWidgetList()
Analyze the source code, you can find out that the Launcher does the following:
mAddItemCellInfo = mMenuAddInfo;
mWaitingForResult = true;
// your method