Just learning Godot, so maybe missing something obvious I am trying to have the player navigate towards a point clicked on the map. The path is calculated with some sort of offset I can't figure out.
Any pointers appreciated!
There is a very minimal replication of the problem here https://github.com/kender99/Godot_path_finding_problem_demo
On the image the white dot is the mouse click and the red is the path generated
The likely offending code is:
extends Node2D
var path : = PoolVector2Array()
func _unhandled_input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, event.position)
$Player.path = path
$Line2D.points = path
print(path.size(), ' Path:',path, ' Player:', $Player.position, ' Target:', event.position)
update() # so line and circles get drawn
func _draw():
for p in path:
draw_circle(p, 5, Color(200, 200, 200))
is the local position regards the current respondent, you should convert the event position to the local one of Navigation2D
instead, like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(event.position))
or use get_global_mouse_position()
method like this:
path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(get_global_mouse_position()))