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In Godot the path returned by get_simple_path() seems offset by something

Just learning Godot, so maybe missing something obvious I am trying to have the player navigate towards a point clicked on the map. The path is calculated with some sort of offset I can't figure out.

Any pointers appreciated!

There is a very minimal replication of the problem here

On the image the white dot is the mouse click and the red is the path generatedenter image description here

The likely offending code is:

extends Node2D

var path : = PoolVector2Array()

func _unhandled_input(event):
    if event is InputEventMouseButton:
        if event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed:
            path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, event.position)
            $Player.path = path         
            $Line2D.points = path
            print(path.size(), ' Path:',path, '  Player:', $Player.position, '  Target:', event.position)           
            update()  # so line and circles get drawn

func _draw():
    for p in path:
                draw_circle(p, 5, Color(200, 200, 200))


  • event.position is the local position regards the current respondent, you should convert the event position to the local one of Navigation2D instead, like this:

    path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(event.position))

    or use get_global_mouse_position() method like this:

    path = $Navigation2D.get_simple_path($Player.position, $Navigation2D.to_local(get_global_mouse_position()))