I have a table with 3 columns: col1, col2, col3. I need to insert rows into this table and my inputs are 3 parameters, one int param and two varchar params that I need to split. So for example
@param1 = 1
@param2 = '2,3'
@param3 = '4,5'
the rows to be produced are
I tried to get near the desired result with such code
WITH group1 AS (
SELECT @param1 as col1, value as col2 from string_split(@param2,',')
group2 AS (
SELECT @param1 as col1, value as col3 from string_split(@param3,',')
SELECT group1.col1, group1.col2, group2.col3
FROM group1
JOIN group2 ON group1.col1 = group2.col1
but it's not exactly what I want.
You need a splitter, that returns each substring and the position of the substring. Sometimes a JSON-based approach may help. You need to transform the comma-separated strings into valid JSON arrays (2,3
into [2,3]
), parse the arrays with OPENJSON()
and use the appropriate JOIN
DECLARE @param1 int = 1
DECLARE @param2 varchar(100) = '2,3,6,8'
DECLARE @param3 varchar(100) = '4,5,9,5'
-- INSERT INTO Table1 (Column1, Column2, Column3)
@param1 AS Column1,
j1.[value] AS Column2,
j2.[value] AS Column3
FROM OPENJSON (CONCAT('[', @param2, ']')) j1
FULL JOIN OPENJSON (CONCAT('[', @param3, ']')) j2 ON j1.[key] = j2.[key]
Column1 Column2 Column3
1 2 4
1 3 5
1 6 9
1 8 5
As an important note (although STRING_SPLIT()
splits a string into rows and returns a table), as is mentioned in the documentation the output rows might be in any order and the order is not guaranteed to match the order of the substrings in the input string.