I'm looking for software that will allow me to write a macro/script to get EasyTether to re-connect my Android O/S phone (Ally) to the internet (desktop PC) when the connection gets dropped. The problem is that EasyTether constantly drops the connection. (Every few minutes - a bit random.) I have checked the forums and many, many people have been having the same problem for a long time.
I want the macro/script to check the internet connection every few seconds, and if there's no connection then do a I right click on the EasyTether status bar icon, and select "connect."
I will write the script. I'm looking for the software.
Thanks for any help.
You could do this with AutoIt. (http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/) You can use the "Ping" function (AutoIt) once every few min/sec/whatever and if it returns 0 you run the subroutine to "click" (AutoIt) on the re-connect menu item.