I have this shell command:
$ docker run -it --env-file=.env -e "CONFIG=$(cat /path/to/your/config.json | jq -r tostring)" algolia/docsearch-scraper
And I want to run it as a python subprocess.
I thought I'll only need an equivalent of the jq -r tostring
, but if I use the config.json as a normal string the " don't get escaped. I also escaped them by using json.load(config.json).
With the original jq command the " don't get escaped either and it's just returning the json string.
When I use the json returned as a string in python subprocess i get always a FileNotFoundError on the subprocess line.
def algolia_scrape():
with open(f"{WORKING_DIR}/conf_dev.json") as conf:
CONFIG = json.load(conf)
subprocess.Popen(f'/usr/local/bin/docker -it --env-file={WORKING_DIR}/algolia.env -e "CONFIG={json.dumps(CONFIG)}" algolia/docsearch-scraper')
You get "file not found" because (without shell=True
) you are trying to run a command whose name is /usr/local/bin/docker -it ...
when you want to run /usr/local/bin/docker
with some arguments. And of course it would be pretty much a nightmare to try to pass the JSON through the shell because you need to escape any shell metacharacters from the string; but just break up the command string into a list of strings, like the shell would.
def algolia_scrape():
with open(f"{WORKING_DIR}/conf_dev.json") as conf:
CONFIG = json.load(conf)
p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/local/bin/docker', '-it',
'-e', f'CONFIG={json.dumps(CONFIG)}',
You generally want to save the result of subprocess.Popen()
because you will need to wait
for the process when it terminates.