i've been stuck on this problem for hours, without finding any solutions. I'm currently trying to compile lua 5.3.4 for Emscripten for use in my project. ive hit a roadblock thought, I need to compile it to a liblua.a file which ill later use when doing the emcc command line. but theres problems. heres the console output and what i do. ive gotten it to output .o files already. how do i put these in the .a (since i assume thats what its doing)
E:\code\liblua>make generic CC="emcc -s WASM=1"
cd src && make generic
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `E:/code/liblua/src'
ar rcu liblua.a lapi.o lcode.o lctype.o ldebug.o ldo.o ldump.o lfunc.o lgc.o llex.o lmem.o 1lobject.o lopcodes.o lparser.o lstate.o lstring.o ltable.o ltm.o lundump.o lvm.o lzio.o lauxlib.o lbaselib.o lbitlib.o lcorolib.o ldblib.o liolib.o lmathlib.o loslib.o lstrlib.o ltablib.o lutf8lib.o loadlib.o linit.o
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ar rcu liblua.a lapi.o lcode.o lctype.o ldebug.o ldo.o ldump.o lfunc.o lgc.o llex.o lmem.o lobject.o lopcodes.o lparser.o lstate.o lstring.o ltable.o ltm.o lundump.o lvm.o lzio.o lauxlib.o lbaselib.o lbitlib.o lcorolib.o ldblib.o liolib.o lmathlib.o loslib.o lstrlib.o ltablib.o lutf8lib.o loadlib.o linit.o, ...) failed.
make (e=2): El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado. (system cannot find the specified file)
make[1]: *** [liblua.a] Error 2
make[1]: se sale del directorio `E:/code/liblua/src'
make: *** [generic] Error 2
what it says is that it cant find ar rcu, how do i use it on my system?
for reference, the system im trying to use can be found here https://github.com/vvanders/wasm_lua if its required
It looks like the makefile requires Un*x tools so I suggest:
sudo apt install g++ binutils make libc-bin
sudo apt install build-essential
distribution (as yourself, not the root
user) somewhere in your home directory and try building.