Since I update Xcode to Xcode 12, I've got this error when I build :
Check dependencies
No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=arm64e armv7s arm64 arm7)
I try a lot of things :
pod install
Build Active Architecture Only
to No or to Yes for Debug and ReleaseDon't know what to do. This error come when I want to launch on iOS 14, but in iOS 13.7 this work perfectly without change.
-- EDIT --
I solve my problem by adding arm64 arm64e armv7 armv7s x86_64
, both in 'MyProject' and 'MyProjectTest', and it work now.
If you can't see "VALID_ARCHS" in BuildSettings. You can click the plus button.
click "Add User-Defined Setting"
Input setting name "VALID_ARCHS" , input value "arm64 arm64e armv7 armv7s x86_64"