I'm writing a function in Haskell to make a histogram from any ListLike
with Ord
import qualified Data.ListLike as LL
frequencies :: (Ord x, LL.ListLike xs x) => xs -> [(x, Int)]
frequencies xs = LL.map (\x->(LL.head x, LL.length x)) $ LL.group $ LL.sort xs
When trying to compile the above code i get an error message about ambiguous types:
Ambiguous type variable `full0' in the constraint:
(LL.ListLike full0 xs) arising from a use of `LL.group'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the expression: LL.group
In the second argument of `($)', namely `LL.group $ LL.sort xs'
In the expression:
LL.map (\ x -> (LL.head x, LL.length x)) $ LL.group $ LL.sort xs
has type (ListLike full0 full, ListLike full item, Eq item) => full -> full0
which corresponds to (Eq a) => [a]->[[a]]
speaking in terms of ordinary lists.
I dont understand why there is a problem with ambigious types. Is Haskell somehow unable to infer that there is such a type as "ListLike with full
as elements", i.e full0
Is Haskell somehow unable to infer that there is such a type as "ListLike with
as elements", i.efull0
No, the problem is there are too many types to choose full0
from and the Haskell compiler does not know which to use. Think about it: in general, there can be more than one type full0
which is a list-like type with full
as elements: [full]
or Data.Sequence.Seq full
or many other choices. And because of the generality of the definition of LL.map
, full0
is not constrained to be [full]
from the return type of the function frequencies
If you want to restrict full0
to [full]
, one way to do this is to replace LL.map
in the definition of frequencies
with the plain old map
for lists.