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regex REGEXP_SUBSTR split into the columns

Could you please help me to write a regex to split the string into the columns?


select REGEXP_SUBSTR ('/D 1/D 18/15/1000', xxxx)  from dual ;


select REGEXP_SUBSTR ('/D 1/D 18/15', xxxx)   from dual ;


col1>D 1<  col2 >D 18< col3 >15<  col4>1000<


col1>D 1< col2>D 18< col3>15<

The result should bring columns. So it means I want to split into the columns.


  • To get the output you are expecting, you don't need to use regex. You can use a simple REPLACE to replace the / with a space, then trim any spaces from the ends of the string.

    SQL> SELECT TRIM (REPLACE ('/D 1/D 18/15/1000', '/', ' ')) AS sample_data FROM DUAL;
    D 1 D 18 15 1000
    SQL> SELECT TRIM (REPLACE ('/D 1/D 18/15', '/', ' ')) AS sample_data FROM DUAL;
    D 1 D 18 15


    Based on information in comments, the values should be split into separate columns. The regex below can be used to get the different values by splitting using the / as a delimiter.

    SQL> WITH sample_data AS (SELECT '/D 1/D 18/15/1000' AS sample_col FROM DUAL)
      2  SELECT regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,1) as col1,
      3         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,2) as col2,
      4         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,3) as col3,
      5         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,4) as col4,
      6         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,5) as col5
      7    FROM sample_data;
       COL1    COL2    COL3    COL4    COL5
    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
    D 1     D 18    15      1000
    SQL> WITH sample_data AS (SELECT '/D 1/D 18/15' AS sample_col FROM DUAL)
      2  SELECT regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,1) as col1,
      3         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,2) as col2,
      4         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,3) as col3,
      5         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,4) as col4,
      6         regexp_substr(sample_col, '[^/]+',1,5) as col5
      7    FROM sample_data;
       COL1    COL2    COL3    COL4    COL5
    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
    D 1     D 18    15