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OxyPlot WPF get selected data point

I have an Oxyplot chart displaying a lineseries, shown as follows

                    <oxy:Plot x:Name="MyChart"
                            <oxy:LineSeries Title="MySeries"/>
                            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Left" TicklineColor="White" Title= "MySeries"/>
                            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Bottom" TicklineColor="White" />    

When the user left clicks on the line, the tracker is displayed, showing the selected data point. I would like to have a handler in my code to get the selected data point but am not sure the correct way to do this.

I have tried adding a handler as follows

    this.MyChart.ActualModel.MouseDown += OxyMouseDown;

    private void OxyMouseDown(object sender, OxyMouseDownEventArgs e)
        LineSeries lineSeries = sender as LineSeries;
        if (lineSeries != null)
            double x = lineSeries.InverseTransform(e.Position).X;

However, although the handler gets called, the sender is never of type LineSeries and therefore I can never transform the point.

Can someone help please?



  • Replace the Plot element with a PlotView element and create a PlotModel to which you add your series and axes:

    PlotModel plotModel = new PlotModel() { Title = "Real" };
    LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries() { Title = "MySeries" };
    //...and add the axes
    MyChart.Model = plotModel;


    <oxy:PlotModel x:Name="MyChart" Grid.Row="1" />

    Then you should be able to handle the event of the LineSeries:

    lineSeries.MouseDown += OxyMouseDown;