I want to set a decimal width for a column()
element in my R Shiny dashboard. For example, I need 5 columns, hence I require a width of 2.4 each.
Is there a way to do it?
Shiny's column widths are based on the Bootstrap 12-wide grid system. You can only specify integers. However, you can nest multiple columns to achive a fine grained layout.
Here is an example regarding nested columns:
ui <- fluidPage(fluidRow(
column(4, p(), style = "background-color: red;"),
column(4, p(), style = "background-color: green;"),
column(4, p(), style = "background-color: red;"),
column(7, p(), style = "background-color: green;"),
column(1, p(), style = "background-color: blue;")
server <- function(input, output, session) {}
shinyApp(ui, server)
As an alternative you might want to check ?splitLayout
which accepts CSS units:
ui <- fluidPage(splitLayout(
p("red", style = "background-color: red;"),
p("green", style = "background-color: green;"),
p("blue", style = "background-color: blue;"),
p("yellow", style = "background-color: yellow;"),
p("orange", style = "background-color: orange;"),
cellWidths = "20%"
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)