I have developed a react/node.js web app and i hosted in heroku with my own domain name. the domain name that i have added to my heroku includes www like www.example.ca and in godaddy forwarding section i have added htttps://www.example.ca.
the problem is if i now open the browser and type example.ca it wont open my website. neither https://example.ca nor http://example.ca.
i can only open it through https://www.example.ca or www.example.ca. from some browsers it opens in http and some other https.
so confused and i couldnt find a good documentation for this. any help will be appreciated.
GoDaddy doesn't support alias so you will never be able to access https://example.ca nor http://example.ca. You have to use a DNS service (DNSimple or Cloudflare) which support alias or in case you want to stick with Heroku service then choose pointDNS
Here is the flow to configure a domain with pointDNS and Godaddy
1 Add pointdns add-on
2 Add all DNS records to pointdns
3 Replace GoDaddy ns by pointdns NS something like *.pointhq.com
4 Remove forwarding from GoDaddy