I have a database which stores IP address with its location. I only store the first 3 network ID of IP address in the table.
| 1.2.3 | A |
| 1.2.4 | A |
| 1.22.33 | B |
| 1.100.99 | C |
Let say my IP is or others, how do I compare the IP with the table to get the location?
Here's a solution that should work and be indexable too:
SELECT location
FROM WhateverTable
WHERE ip_address = SUBSTRING_INDEX(?, '.', 3)
Where you supply the value '' for the ?
You should be aware that the IP addresses you store are misleading. The official IP address format permits shortened strings, but not the way you probably think. For example:
mysql> select inet_ntoa(inet_aton('1.100.99'));
| inet_ntoa(inet_aton('1.100.99')) |
| |
I bet you would expect it to return