I'm trying to process a 10GB+ csv file with pandas using a chunksize of 5.000.000. It takes some time to process the data from chunk to chunk, but I don't know in which part of the file I am. How can I know before starting the loop the amount of chunks (or number of rows) that the csv has? And is there any rule of thumb for choosing a chunksize?
The loop I'm using is something like this:
chunk = 5_000_000
data = pd.read_csv(path,chunksize=chunk)
for i in data:
Some ideas
import os
import sys
full_size = os.path.getsize('test.csv') # get size of file
with open('test.csv','rb') as f:
next(f) # skip header
line_size = len(f.readline()) # get size of one line, assuming 1 byte encoding
linecount = full_size // line_size + 1 # ~count of lines
import psutil
chunksize = (
// (pd.read_csv('test.csv', nrows=1).memory_usage(deep=True).sum()
* 4)) # leave memory for computations, here: 1/4 of available memory for the dataframe
chunks = linecount // chunksize
c = pd.read_csv('test.csv', chunksize=chunksize)
for i,df in enumerate(c):
print(f'working on chunk {i+1} of {chunks}') # print or log
df_sum = df.sum().sum() # do stuff ...
print(f'sum in df in chunk {i}: {df_sum}') # print or log