I am building a Tkinter GUI and I have a process that takes a while to complete, so I threaded it to prevent the GUI from hanging. Lets call the threaded function foo
. Once foo
is completed, I need to call another function, bar
. bar
needs to be called from the main thread (it uses a matplotlib method that does not work inside of a thread).
I can't seem to wrap my head around how I might do this. I thought about joining the thread, but that just causes the GUI to hang. I also thought about using a signal variable that I would change in the last line of foo
to tell the rest of my program that it is done and its time to execute bar
, but then I couldn't figure out how I could continuously check that variable in the main thread without hanging the GUI. Any ideas?
Using Python 3.7
You can use threading.Event()
object to notify the main thread and use after()
to call a function periodically to check the Event()
object to determine when to call bar()
Below is a simple example:
import tkinter as tk
import threading
import time
def foo(event):
print('foo started')
print('foo done')
# notify main thread
def bar():
def check_event(event, callback):
print('.', end='')
if event.is_set():
# thread task is completed
# check again 100 ms (adjust this to suit your case) later
root.after(100, check_event, event, callback)
root = tk.Tk()
# create the `Event()` object
event = threading.Event()
# start the checking
check_event(event, bar)
# start the thread task
threading.Thread(target=foo, args=(event,)).start()