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JSON Array using Boost::Ptree

How to create a boost ptree which can be encoded to below JSON? i.e. I want to know how JSON Array of JSON Objects can be represented in boost ptree..


I must say the below link doesn't answer: Creating JSON arrays in Boost using Property Trees


  • The link does answer it. All the answers clearly show that you should use push_back (or insert, actually), not put_child.

    You also have to read past the "how to make the array" and realize that you cannot have arrays as document root.

    This is a symptom of the fact that Boost Ptree is not a JSON library. It's a Property Tree library, and it supports only property trees. The limitations are documented:

    enter image description here


    Here's the best you can do, assuming you did not really need the array as document root:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    using boost::property_tree::ptree;
    int main() {
        ptree arr;
        for (auto [k,v]: { std::pair
                {"3",  "SomeValue"},
                {"40", "AnotherValue"},
                {"23", "SomethingElse"},
                {"9",  "AnotherOne"},
                {"1",  "LastOne"} })
            ptree element;
            element.put(k, v);
            arr.push_back({"", element});
        // can't have array at root of doc...
        ptree doc;
        doc.put_child("arr", arr);
        write_json(std::cout, doc);


        "arr": [
                "3": "SomeValue"
                "40": "AnotherValue"
                "23": "SomethingElse"
                "9": "AnotherOne"
                "1": "LastOne"