My current problem is, that my Workmanager is always failing, but I don't know why. Actually, I don't even want to use a Workmanager but I didn't know a better way to cancel my Coroutine when the network is lost or when there never was a network.
What I am trying to do: Check if the network is available -> Download Collection from Cloud Firestore -> Show Progressbar -> Download Succeed -> Show List. I already managed to do this without workmanager with coroutines (without the check of network availability)
How it is currently: Toast "Enqueue"
-> Progress Bar
-> Toast "Failed"
class DocumentWorker @WorkerInject constructor(
@Assisted context: Context,
@Assisted params: WorkerParameters,
private val firebaseEntity: DocumentFirebaseRepository,
private val documentDao: DocumentDao,
private val networkMapper: DocumentNetworkMapper,
private val cacheMapper: DocumentCacheMapper
): CoroutineWorker(context, params) {
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
// Get Data from Cloud Firestore and map it to a DocumentCacheEntity to insert it to the database
val documentEntityList: List<DocumentFirebaseEntity> = firebaseEntity.getAllDocuments()
val documentCacheList: List<DocumentCacheEntity> = networkMapper.mapFromEntityList(documentEntityList)
// Get the inserted list from the DAO and map it to Documents
val cachedDocumentEntities: List<DocumentCacheEntity> = documentDao.getList()
val documents: List<Document> = cacheMapper.mapFromEntityList(cachedDocumentEntities)
// Convert List<Documents> to WorkData Object. Is this the correct way? I don't know...
val data = workDataOf("documents" to documents)
return Result.success(data)
class DocumentViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor(
@ApplicationContext private val context: Context,
@Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
) : ViewModel() {
private val work = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<DocumentWorker>()
val workInfo: LiveData<WorkInfo> = WorkManager.getInstance(context).getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(
fun setStateEvent(documentStateEvent: DocumentStateEvent) {
viewModelScope.launch {
when (documentStateEvent) {
is DocumentStateEvent.GetDocumentEvent -> {
class DocumentsFragment(private val documentListAdapter: DocumentListAdapter) : Fragment() {
private val documentViewModel: DocumentViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
return DataBindingUtil.inflate<FragmentDocumentsBinding>(inflater, R.layout.fragment_documents, container, false).apply {
adapter = documentListAdapter
private fun subscribeToWorker() {
documentViewModel.workInfo.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
when(it.state) {
WorkInfo.State.ENQUEUED -> requireContext().toast("ENQUEUED")
WorkInfo.State.RUNNING -> displayProgressBar(true)
WorkInfo.State.SUCCEEDED -> {
// Here I want to get my List<Document> and submit it to my ListAdapter...
documentListAdapter.submitList(it.outputData.getString("documents") as MutableList<Document>)
WorkInfo.State.BLOCKED -> {
WorkInfo.State.FAILED -> {
WorkInfo.State.CANCELLED -> {
class App : Application(), Configuration.Provider {
@Inject lateinit var workerFactory: HiltWorkerFactory
override fun onCreate() {
override fun getWorkManagerConfiguration(): Configuration =
If there is a better way of doing all this WITHOUT a Workmanager (e.g. manually checking the network state and cancelling a coroutine if the network is lost), then please tell me!
I appreciate every help, thank you
Okay, I found the error, here is the stacktrace:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key documents has invalid type class java.util.ArrayList
at$doWork$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:11)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:571)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:738)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:678)
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
And this might be the error: val data = workDataOf("documents" to documents)
Okay, I have managed to solve my problem! As stated out above, it is (unfortunately) not possible to put a List<Document>
inside a Workmanager inputData. So I came up with this solution:
class DocumentWorker @WorkerInject @Singleton constructor(
@Assisted context: Context,
@Assisted params: WorkerParameters,
private val firebaseEntity: DocumentFirebaseRepository,
private val documentDao: DocumentDao,
private val networkMapper: DocumentNetworkMapper,
): CoroutineWorker(context, params) {
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
// Get Data from Cloud Firestore and map it to a DocumentCacheEntity to insert it to the database
val documentEntityList: List<DocumentFirebaseEntity> = firebaseEntity.getAllDocuments()
val documentCacheList: List<DocumentCacheEntity> = networkMapper.mapFromEntityList(documentEntityList)
return Result.success()
class DocumentViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor(
@ApplicationContext private val context: Context,
@Assisted private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
private val documentDB: DocumentDao,
private val cacheMapper: DocumentCacheMapper
//private val documentRepository: DocumentRepository,
) : ViewModel() {
// Save State and Document List in a Livedata Object that can be observed from the fragment
private val _documentDataState: MutableLiveData<Status<List<Document>>> = MutableLiveData()
val documentState: LiveData<Status<List<Document>>> get() = _documentDataState
// Build the OnetimeWorkRequest
private val work = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<DocumentWorker>()
// Get the workInfo asFlow to observer it in the viewModel
private val workInfo: Flow<WorkInfo> = WorkManager.getInstance(context).getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(
fun setStateEvent(documentStateEvent: DocumentStateEvent) {
when (documentStateEvent) {
is DocumentStateEvent.GetDocumentEvent -> {
// Here we Enqueue the Workmanager
// Now we will observe (collect) the workInfo
viewModelScope.launch {
workInfo.collect {
when(it.state) {
WorkInfo.State.ENQUEUED -> _documentDataState.postValue(Status.loading())
WorkInfo.State.RUNNING -> _documentDataState.postValue(Status.loading())
WorkInfo.State.SUCCEEDED -> {
// Document loaded successfully into db, so get it from there and post it to the livedata
val documentCacheEntityList = documentDB.getList()
val documentList = cacheMapper.mapFromEntityList(documentCacheEntityList)
WorkInfo.State.BLOCKED -> _documentDataState.postValue(Status.failed("No Internet Connection"))
WorkInfo.State.FAILED -> _documentDataState.postValue(Status.failed("No Internet Connection"))
WorkInfo.State.CANCELLED -> _documentDataState.postValue(Status.failed("Loading cancelled"))
If there is a better way, then tell me. But this should work for now! The only problem I currently have is, that I want to return Result.failed
when the Constraints are not fullfied within 5 seconds.
I've made a function that converts
the Result of the Workinfo to my own Status result.
suspend inline fun observerWorkerState(workInfFlow: Flow<WorkInfo>): Flow<Status<Unit>> = flow {
workInfFlow.collect {
when (it.state) {
WorkInfo.State.ENQUEUED -> emit(Status.loading<Unit>())
WorkInfo.State.RUNNING -> emit(Status.loading<Unit>())
WorkInfo.State.SUCCEEDED -> emit(Status.success(Unit))
WorkInfo.State.BLOCKED -> emit(Status.failed<Unit>("Workmanager blocked"))
WorkInfo.State.FAILED -> emit(Status.failed<Unit>("Workmanager failed"))
WorkInfo.State.CANCELLED -> emit(Status.failed<Unit>("Workmanager cancelled"))