I have a relationship which looks like this:
- id
- id
- appetizer_id
- main_course_id
- dessert_id
- user_id
- menu_id
and corresponding models:
class User
public function menus()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Menu', 'user_menu', 'user_id', 'menu_id');
class Menu
public function dessert()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Dessert', 'dessert_id');
In other words there are users and menus with a many to many relationship. Now I would like to retrieve all the distinct desserts for a given user. I've tried using group by, but it does not allow me to select and group by a single column, because the pivot columns are always included in the query:
$desserts = User::find(1)->menus()
throws the following error:
'User_Menu.user_id' isn't in GROUP BY
$desserts = User::join('User_Menu', 'User.id', '=', 'User_Menu.user_id')
->join('Menu', 'User_Menu.menu_id', '=','Menu.id')