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Pulling BB prices from a CSV list of tickers in Python

I am new in Python.. I am trying to pull the latest prices using PX_LAST below, which works perfectly using:

from xbbg import blp, pipeline
blp.bdp(["AMZN US Equity", "SPY US Equity","KO US Equity"], ["NAME","PX_LAST"])

The issue is, I now wish to pull more prices from my csv file, which include 100 different tickers (in first column). How can I add the tickers from the df into above formula?

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.read_csv(r'Desktop\tickers.csv')

0  AMZN US Equity
1   SPY US Equity
2    KO US Equity
3   WMT US Equity
4   BLK US Equity
5  GOLD US Equity
6  ...
7  ...


  • You need to convert your ticker column to a list and feed it as the first argument to blp.bdp:

    from xbbg import blp, pipeline
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv(r'Desktop\tickers.csv')
    tickers = df['ID'].tolist()
    blp.bdp(tickers, ["NAME","PX_LAST"])