i have a Github actions with Gcloud, this setup worked well, after 3 months (no changes) i ran another Deployment/Action but now there is a message:
Bucket is requester pays bucket but no user project provided.
What is the cause of this error?
I repeat, this Action worked well and no changes were made, just ran again after 3 months and failed.
My current Actions yaml is:
name: Deploy to GCloud
- master
- qa
type: prod
PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.GCE_PROJECT }}
name: Setup and Deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup gcloud environment
uses: GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/setup-gcloud@master
version: '290.0.1'
service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCE_SA_KEY }}
project_id: ${{ secrets.GCE_PROJECT }}
- name: Auth helper
run: |-
gcloud --quiet auth configure-docker
- name: Deploy
run: |-
gcloud app deploy app.${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}.yaml
As the link I shared in my comment says, the error you are getting is because the Requester pays is enabled in the bucket you are using to deploy. I tried at my end enabling this feature, using the below command, and I got the same error as you.
gsutil requesterpays set on gs://BUCKET_NAME
There are some considerations you must take into account to use and access to a bucket when a Requester pays feature is enabled.
In case this feature was enabled long before you got the error and you suddenly started getting the error, or if the feature is not enable in the bucket (you can execute this command to verify it gsutil requesterpays get gs://BUCKET_NAME
and you should get something like this gs://my-bucket: Enabled
) and you get the error, I would recommend you to open a Support case to the Google team takes a look at your issue.