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Process placement with aprun -- need one process per node

I need to run an MPI code on a Cray system under aprun. For reasons I won't go into, I am being asked to run it such that no node has more than one process. I have been puzzling over the aprun man page and I'm not sure if I've figured this out or not. If I have only two processes, will this command ensure that they run on different nodes? (Let's say there are 32 cores on a node.)

> aprun -n 2 -d 32 --cc depth ./myexec


  • If anyone is interested, my above command line does work. I tested it with the code:

    #include <mpi.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char hname[80];
    int length;
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Get_processor_name(hname, &length);
    printf("Hello world from %s\n", hname);