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How to replace rows containing alphabets and special characters with Blank spaces in snowflake

I have a column "A" which contains numbers for example- 0001, 0002, 0003

the same column "A" also contains some alphabets and special characters in some of the rows for example - connn, cco*jjj, hhhhhh11111 etc.

I want to replace these alphabets and special characters rows with blank values and only want to keep the rows containing the number.

which regex expression I can use here?


  • If you want to extract numbers from these values (even if they end or start with non digits), you may use something like this:

    create table testing ( A varchar ) as select *
    from values ('123'),('aaa123'),('3343'),('aaaa');
    select REGEXP_SUBSTR( A, '\\D*(\\d+)\\D*', 1, 1, 'e', 1 ) res 
    from testing;
    | RES  |
    | 123  |
    | 123  |
    | 3343 |
    | NULL |