I updated bootstrap-vue in my laravel project and noticed that functionality that was previously working is now broken. The code has remained the same so it's the only thing I can think of.
I'm currently on vue@2.5.16 and bootstrap-vue@2.17.3
The issue is with one of the $refs not being registered.
The project is old and I am not the original author. I am also relatively inexperienced with vue, so I don't know what has changed in vue and bootstrap-vue since this code was originally written.
The issue is with a component which wraps an input.
<b-container class="bv-example-row persons-second-part">
<b-row class="">
<b-col class="person" sm="2" v-for="(person, index) in persons" @click.prevent="doubleClick(person, index)" :key="index">
<div v-show="person.deleted === false">
<div v-show="(currentState === 2 || currentState === 3)" v-dragged="onDragged" :id="getId(index)" style="z-index: 999" class="jag-i-centrum-label-upper-left drag-me" v-text="person.name">
<b-popover :target="getId(index)" triggers="focus" placement="top">
<input v-model="person.comment" ref="popoverInput" placeholder="Skriv beskrivning">
Here are the relevant functions
methods: {
doubleClick(person, index) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.clicks == 2) this.openPopup(person, index);
this.clicks = 0;
}, 200);
openPopup(person, index) {
person.showContainer = !person.showContainer;
let that = this;
setTimeout(function() {
that.$root.$emit("bv::show::popover", "popover-" + index);
const ref = that.getId(index);
}, 50);
Other refs in the file are being registered. I assume this is not because the input element hasn't been added to the DOM when $refs is created. I this assumption correct?
Why did it work before? How do I get it to work again? I'm happy to provide more details and code
The problem wasn't so much in the code, as it was in the environment
npm install vue@2.6
npm install vue-template-compiler@2.6
Then all the original code worked again.
I did change from using a setTimeout()
to Vue.nextTick
as I feel like it's a better solution than waiting an arbitrary amount of time.
openPopup(person, index) {
person.showContainer = !person.showContainer;
let that = this;
.then(function () {
const ref = that.getId(index);
that.$root.$emit("bv::show::popover", ref);